Thorlabs System: Spectral Domain OCT


  • Light source: Superluminescent diode, λ0 = 1300nm, Δλ =200nm
  • Camera: 1024 pixel InGaAs line scan, 47kHz
  • Available objectives:
    • 10x water immersion objective (Zeiss N-Achroplan 10× W, NA 0.3)
    • 40x water immersion objective (Olympus LUMPLANFL/IR 40 W, NA 0.8)
    • LSM03 scan lens, with z-spacer
    • 5x air objective
    • 10x air objective

In Vivo Principle and Applications

Here is the bibliography associated with these applications.

Ex Vivo Applications

Our set -up is couple to XYZ motorized stages and a vibratome. It allows for undistorted volumetric imaging of tissue (e.g. rodent brain/organ, human brain tissue) at high resolution (between 1-10um depending on the objective).
Here is the bibliography associated with these applications.

Tumor in a mouse brain, imaged using a 10x water immersion objective. Average Intensity Projection for each optical section (every 50um). Voxel size 2.9 x 2.9 x 50 um3.

Human temporal isocortex imaged using a 10x water immersion objection. Average I ntensity Projection showing the laminar structure of the cortex.

Human Entorhinal Cortex, showing vessels (top panel, 10x water immersion objective), neurons and fibers (middle and bottom panels, 40x water immersion objective)